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HCSS - A Glance



Holy Cross Service Society, is located in Trichy ,Tamil Nadu, India.

We apply Professional Approach to Children With Disabilities (CWDs).

We do goal oriented, assessment based, individualized services to CWDs.

Children studying in English Medium Schools  can approach us for IQ assessment ,

educational Evaluation and counseling for their educational and behavioral  needs.

Educational support  for failing / dropout children.

We will assist them to write 10th, 11th and 12th grade exams through Private Study

Training courses affiliated to Rehabilitation Council of India, Tamil Nadu

Open University and Madras School of Social Work. 


//Allievating  poverty// CBR Services// Inclusive Education// Assessment//  Right Based approaches// Women and child development//Neonatal Screening// Networking NGOs to promote quality of services// Physiotherapy // Vision Therapy// Speech Therapy//  Language Therapy//  Sensory Integration Therapy // support to children with Learning Disability.

Our Services Include

A small gesture from you could be a life changer for a child. Donate and enjoy being part of giving new  life and hope to  a child with special need.


Your time  is the best gift you could give to a needy child.Join hands with us as a volunteer and help us to reach more children.


Join hands with us  in our fundraising efforts.Together we can make a huge difference in the life of children with disabilities.

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