Holy Cross Service Society Trichy
Holy Cross Service Society assist over 180 NGOs as partners. This include professional consultation and training programs to the workers of PWDS. The training is done either tailor made to the needs of the NGOs or in general topics to assist the workers of PWDs to gain knowledge and skills.
Broad areas of Training include the following :
Services to Blind, Lowvision, Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Cognitively delayed, Autism, Multihandicapped, Deafblind and Learning disabled.
Net working, Fundraising, NGO Management, Teaching Strategies and Leadership development.
Monitoring and evaluation, small research projects, Advocacy , Parents involvement, Sensitisation and Social inclusion.
CBR, Community development, Early child intervention, Transitional concepts and women and child development.
Affiliated Courses : 1) CBID 2) TNOU 3) MSSW
Non - Affiliated Courses : 1) Green Entrepreneurship 2) Catering Technology 3) Tailoring​
Capacity Building : 1) Stake Holders 2) Other NGO's ​